Day 20 | June 15

Today got off to a quick start with the spur of the moment decision to attend the symphony. The concert hall was predictably gorgeous and the first piece they performed was Beethoven. Beneath the concert hall is the largest/oldest(?) traditional Czech restaurant in town as well as the oldest continually operating bar. Despite the fact that it wasn’t quite noon this fact compelled us to stop in for drinks. After that I went back to K10 to work. In the evening I went to a wine tasting that was put together just for us by the fellow who owns the wine shop on the main square by our apartment. It was very well done and finally gave me some clarity on the wine situation around here. After that it was off to Riegrovy Sady beer garden to watch soccer. Drinks after that at the beer museum and then more drinks and Heads Up back at one of my neighbors apartments.

Day 19 | June 14

Got a slow start to the day and then went to Cafe Monolok for some breakfast and to work on my annual re-reading of Atlas Shrugged that I’ve been sucked into despite having so much else going on. After that I had to head to K10 to work for the rest of the day. But there was some excitement in the form of receiving my first letter from the states courtesy of Mr. Marsh. In the evening we went to a local bar and the owner had an informal chat with many of us about his business, the state of micro brews in the Czech Republic and how we got started tracking down various types to sell in his bar. Then it was off to Dish Burger Bistro for dinner and the beer garden in Riegrovy Sady for after dinner drinks.

Day 18 | June 13

I’m trying to burn through most of my work each week on Monday’s so that I have bigger blocks of time left during the remainder. As a result today wasn’t very interesting. I spent most of it at K10 catching up on work. Sometimes we do these things called lunch/dinner roulettes where a random group of people go to a random restaurant to eat. I did one of those tonight and the six of us went to U Kroka. It was above average and (like everything here) a great deal for the price. Walking home we stopped at an Irish pub called Beckett’s across from our building for another drink and then managed to put the pin in an otherwise low key night.

Day 17 | June 12

It wasnt long before it came to light that Peter had purchased two tickets to Prague instead of one here and one back. Then we had to set out to find a way to get him home. But first we needed to recover with burritos and bloody marys at Las Adelitas. We finally found him a train home but it wasn’t an express and the two our trip took him five. Then I had dinner with a group at SaSaZu which was very good, the sushi in particular stood out as did the lamb chops and coconut soup. Not to mention you get a massage with your dessert course.

Day 16 | June 11

I was feeling the prior night today and to top things off I left my backpack at Bar and Books the night before. I basically rested until they opened and miraculously they still had it for me. Then it was off to intercept Peter wherever he was wandering around town. We had dinner at Vinohrady Parliament. Great tartare but not much to write home about otherwise. Then I showed him K10 and the apartment. We went to the Anonymous Bar which was a little gimmicky but they had excellent cocktails and the presentation was fun. Then we went to Jazz Club Ungelt and saw a very decent jazz band. Then things really escalated and we went to Lazne to find some of the other members of my program. As you would expect the place was a mess. The ice bar was neat, though. The evening ended with me losing Peter, stumbling through the streets at the sun came up to buy pizza and then laying on the sidewalk outside my building until he did.

Day 15 | June 10th

Today was busy and included me finally getting something done I’ve been putting off. Getting a haircut. Found a guy named Mark Phillips who cuts the hair of all the Prague expats. Afterwards I went to a cafe with my roommate to do some work and have lunch. It was called Muj… something. Then it was back to K10 for more work. In the evening a group of us did a beer tasting… somewhere. It was great and really interesting. Then I had dinner with my roommate at Krystal Mozaika which was great. Then we stopped at Books and Bar for scotch and cigars on the way home.

Day 14 | June 9th

Two weeks in and I finally managed a decently early start to my day. I’m still falling woefully behind on maintaining this blog. Even doing this update the next morning I’m having trouble remembering what I did yesterday. But that’s probably just because it wasn’t much. In the morning we had Czech lessons at K10 which was hugely helpful. After that I spent most of the day working. I went to dinner at The Tavern and had an amazing blue cheese and bacon burger with some other members of the group. After that I sat in Riegrovy Sady and did a conference call before rejoining a very significant portion of our group for beers at the beer garden. I even managed to make it home at a reasonable hour.

Day 13 | June 8

Today we embarked on one of my favor activities so far which was the Taste of Prague tour. I would highly recommend this to any foodies hitting Prague. We walked around to a lot of the excellent and representative restaurants of the town and tried a sample dish from each. They weren’t small bites either. By the end we were all stuffed and I have been too full to eat for the rest of the day. Afterwards I headed back to organize some adventures over other parts of Europe and to try and do some work. Unfortunately, eating so much on that tour totally sapped my of my motivation for the rest of the day!

Day 12 | June 7

Still struggling to keep my head above water with doing this daily. I was trying to catch up on my sleep so I went to bed early last night and still slept in too late today. Since I was so productive yesterday I had some downtime this morning. I used this to go to the park near K10 and catch up on some reading. After that I had political work to do which took me back to the office. Once I was above water with that I headed to Old Town for dinner at Pasta Fresca. Then I met a group at the Dubliner for drinks before embarking on our ghost tour of old town that was really interesting. Our tour guide was a fella from New Orleans named Mark who was a blast.

Day 11 | June 6

As part of my new plan to combat FOMO I’ve decided to try and front load my work weeks as much as possible. This made for an uninteresting day, though. I woke up and headed to K10 and dialed in to work for the next eight hours. I had a quick dinner and then returned to K10 for the Game of Thrones viewing party. Then it was right to bed to finally try and get a full nights sleep.