A busy day but not much to show for it in the way of preparation for my departure. Worked on economics projects in the morning and then met a friend and co-worker for lunch to celebrate his graduation and to say goodbye. We met at my current favorite restaurant for patio dining; Stoic & Genuine. We both headed over to Starbucks for the afternoon to work on things. I worked on political projects. Met the girlfriend at Starbucks and walked over to Nordstrom to pickup some Bose QC25 headphones for my trip. Who knew Nordstrom sold headphones? Lucky since the Cherry Creek Bose store closed. Then headed over to Odyssey, a cute Italian restaurant, for a much too big dinner. Then it was off to Baker Street Pub to see my friend Jason Vigil perform one last time before I head out. Closed that place down and may have neglected to go to sleep.