A long day today. Kept the streak of actually working out alive when I woke up and then worked for a while. I had a lull it my work since I was so productive the day prior so I set out to try and find some wifi at a cafe around town to work from. As usual, everything was closed at that hour and I finally ran out of time so I ducked into the only place that had wifi around me at the time; London Cafe. It was terrible. Don’t go. Headed home to finish working and drop my things off. Had dinner with one of my fellow remotes at San Tommaso which was a really nice Italian place. I particularly enjoyed the street guitarists doing the U.S. 90’s hits. Then we went to meet even more remotes for drinks, then more drinks and dancing etc. etc. At places I don’t remember. Then I stumbled home in the wee hours of the morning while devouring some kebap. Pretty standard ending to the evening for Valencia.