I worked from this great cafe El Altillo today. As I was sitting in their little… indoor garden area listening to the music which was acoustic U2 I felt like I hadn’t even left The States. Mere moments before I was snarled in Bogota traffic fighting my way up to this cafe. And once I was there it was like being a world away. Listening to U2 in this little Bogota cafe, with it’s French coffee service, was one of those moments that really made me appreciate how small the world is. Back home Colombia seems like a world away. But when you’re here… or in any of the places I’ve visited this year things are so remarkably the same. My life is still sitting in cafes banging away on my laptop. Other folks own and run the cafes that I stop into the world over and their little stores and stands and for the most part everyone goes about their lives just like everyone else does everywhere else in the world.